“No pain, no gain”, “Grind now. Shine later.” or “You can sleep when you are old”. All those quotes play a part in the toxic mindset of hustle culture, so let’s talk about why hustle culture is not good for you!
Tag: Job Advice
Instagram can be so much more than people’s highlight reels. Today, let’s focus on the empowering Instagram accounts for young womxn.
Getting positive recognition is central for career progression. So, here are 5 effective ways to get recognized at work when no one cares!
Everybody is overwhelmed or has too much on their plate from time to time. So let’s talk about how to ask for help at work when your workload is overwhelming.
With 24/7 hustle culture being such a popular mindset, it’s hard to acknowledge that you are too stressed. So let’s talk more about how to know that you are stressed out and need a break.
The following icebreaker questions can help you to strike up a conversation during lunch or with the person who is onboarding you.
Too many people stay until they become truly unhappy with their job. It’s ok to look for other options and to move on before you reach the point of no return.
How to politely decline a job offer? Find the complete guide with 6 easy steps and practical examples for any situation here!
Selling yourself short while you are on the job hunt is an easy trap to fall into. Let’s talk about how to prevent it in a job interview!
Success doesn’t automatically equal studying, but rather knowing yourself. sheCareer talks to 22-year-old Junior Account Executive Paulin.